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Name of RFP: Letter of Intent Multi Year Funding

Request for Proposal
May an agency submit more than one proposal, with the understanding that only one would be selected? Agencies may submit more than one proposal.
Will PLB fund a request for capital assets to expand a current service that we provide if only a portion of our beneficiaries reside in St. Louis County? Also, would PLB fund a request for capital assets if the organization is based in St. Louis City? Capital requests must be related to service provision, requests must be for expenditures within St. Louis County. The PLB will only fund the percentage of the cost related to eligible St. Louis County residents or for individuals that do not meet the PLB's eligibility requirements.
we are trying asking for $ for our Hire to Inspire program. temp people with disabilities working for us for a while to gain experience and get them ready for employment of their choice. question on the financial overview. are you questioning additional funding sources for during the time of the 3 year plan, or for having a way to sustain after? The additional funding source pertains to the sustainability of the project after the 3 years are over. It also pertains to individuals who are not eligible for PLB funding.
You ask for sustainability post 3 year funding. If alternative funding sources are not currently known/identified, but will be explored, is it ok not to include them in the budget? Please describe the plan you will implement to identify and potentially secure funding for the future. Identify how you will address future funding.
Regarding the budget portion - do you prefer only the new project budget or total organization budget with the proposed new project added? Please provide only the budget for the project for the 3 years of the project.
This is such a wonderful opportunity for our community to make an impactful change in the lives of persons with developmental disabilities. It is also a wonderful opportunity to collaborate with another agency. Is it possible however for planning to scale purposes of a new service/support to know a ball park figure of funding available/number of agencies to be considered? Thank you for your question, there are no parameters on the requests beyond the 1 million dollars that has been set aside for this funding opportunity.
Is an eligible expense during the first year the salary/benefits for a new staff person to be hired to complete program, outcome & evaluation design? This would be an eligible expense to hire a staff to complete the activities listed in the question.





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