2017 Consumer Needs Assessment Survey

Thank you for participating in the Productive Living Board's (PLB) 2017 Needs Assessment Survey. This survey provides you with an opportunity to advise the PLB on your current and future need for supports.


1) Please answer all of the questions on this survey about the individual who receives supports and services. This survey should take 15-20 minutes to complete.

2) If you need to stop taking the survey and finish later, please select the "Save & Return Later" button at the end of each page. You will receive a code that you can write down and enter at the top right hand corner of this page entitled "Returning?" once you return to the survey.

3) If you would like the text to speech functionality turned on select "enable speech" at the top right hand corner of the page.

4) The "reset" option on each question allows you to clear or erase your response for that question.

5) If you have any questions about this survey, including how to complete the survey, please contact George Gotto at (816) 235-5334 or gottog@umkc.edu

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