Monday, January 22, 2001

3:30 p.m.

St. Louis County Library Headquarters

1640 South Lindbergh Boulevard

St. Louis, MO  63131




Cary Hammond, Chairperson

Paul R. Ahr, Ph.D., Vice Chairperson

Laurie Donovan, Treasurer

Juliette E. Douglas, Secretary

David L. Ruecker, Immediate Past Chairperson

Timothy R. Barrett

Ralph Berberian

Sarijane M. Freiman

Paul N. Tice








Joyce Prage

Jeff Bassin

Diane Bush

Glen Goldstein

Debra Holland

Julie Kindred

Cindy Strick

Craig Biehle (Student)


GUESTS PRESENT:  (See attached)


A quorum was present and due notice had been mailed and published.  Mr. Hammond called the meeting to order at approximately 3:35 p.m.


Executive Director’s Report


Ms. Prage updated the Board on the following items:


h     The State is projecting a $307 million shortfall for the current year’s budget.  They expect close to a $300 million shortfall for next year’s budget. All State departments will be looking at ways to reduce their expenses for the current year and reduce their budgets for next year.  They are also looking at how and what they will be funding for the next fiscal year.




h     Governor Holden has continued to express his support of the direct care support staff wage issue.  Due to the limited funds and the deficit issues they are looking at compromise solutions that will cost less than the $2.00 per hour.  They are looking at suggested COLA increases and other alternatives.  The PLB will be monitoring and following the budget issue.


h     The Board received a list of current legislative bills that have been filed that have some link or relevance to the developmental disability field.  The PLB will continue to update the Board on any new bills that are filed on a monthly basis and monitor the status of the bills presented.


h     The PLB is working on a legislative information packet for the Ad Hoc Committee on Direct Support Staff Quality Issues that will address (1) support of the $2.00 per hour increase for direct support staff and (2) the inequitable distribution of the Division of MR/DD funds to the St. Louis District.


h     The Board received a list, by District, of the distribution of funds for the current fiscal year that shows a $10 million deficit to the Eastern District compared to a distribution based on a statewide per client average.


h     An updated roster of the Board members was provided.


Open Forum for Comments from the Public


Mr. Gill requested a copy of the Quality Enhancement/Service Excellence System report.  Ms. Prage indicated that anyone wanting a copy should call the PLB office. 


Madeline Hawn, representing the ACE Executive Committee, inquired as to how the Productive Living Board will respond if the Department of Mental Health or its legislators come forward with a $2.00 an hour increase or any increase for the direct care staff. Ms. Prage indicated that the PLB has not taken a position on this issue at this time.  COLA’s have been approved by the PLB on an annual basis to offset some of the variance.


Secretary’s Report


Ms. Douglas moved that the Board approve the November 13, 2000, Board Meeting Minutes as presented. 


Mr. Ruecker seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously. 


Treasurer’s Report


Ms. Donovan provided the Treasurer’s Report for the periods ending November 30, 2000 through December 31, 2000.


Ms. Donovan moved that the Treasurer’s Report be approved as presented.


Ms. Freiman seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.






Chairman’s Report


Mr. Hammond reported on the following:


·         Mr. Hammond presented an award to Mr. Morganstern for his five years of service on the Productive Living Board.  In addition, Mr. Hammond presented a Proclamation to Mr. Morganstern from Mr. Buzz Westfall, St. Louis County Executive, wherein he declared January 22, 2001 as Ramon Morganstern Day. 


·         Mr. Hammond introduced the newly appointed Board member, Mr. Paul Tice.  Mr. Tice is an investment advisor, an attorney and a certified public accountant.


·         Mr. Hammond appointed an Ad Hoc Legislative Committee to monitor legislative developments in Jefferson City.  The following members were appointed:  Laurie Donovan, Juliette Douglas and Paul Tice


·         Mr. Hammond reported on the Sheltered Workshop managers meeting held on November 28, 2001.  He presented the decisions that the Board had made in terms of funding.  It was decided to explore with representatives of the workshops how the PLB may be able to assist in marketing the workshops’ services to businesses.  The workshops are to have recommendations or suggestions to the PLB by the end of January 2001. 


·         Mr. Berberian commented on the great work that has been completed on the ITE expansion project.  


New Business


Executive Committee


Care Cab Transportation – FY’01 Services PLB Projects #5001 and #5009


Mr. Ruecker moved that the Board ratify the following action taken at their meeting of December 12, 2000:


The approval of a 14% increase in unit costs for Care Cab Transportation PLB Project #5001 and #5009 for the period July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, resulting in revised unit costs as follows - $8.71/ambulatory, $29.12/wheelchair, $1.87/demand response, for continuation of existing services to PLB funded consumers, with the following conditions:


·                     Agency shall submit a revised budget reflecting the increased costs for FY’01

·                     Agency shall, in conjunction with its funding sources, develop a plan for the provision of services in FY’02


The existing PLB appropriations to Care Cab are sufficient to address the increased costs to PLB of $115,418 to maintain FY’01 services.


Ms. Douglas seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.




St. Luke’s - PLB Project #3082/10


Ms. Freiman moved that the Board ratify the following action taken at their meeting of December 28, 2000:


The approval of an appropriation for FY’01 to St. Luke’s - PLB Project #3082/10 in the amount of $34,042 for the period of January 1, 2001 through June 30, 2001, with the following contingencies:


·                     Project participants will be active clients of St. Louis Regional Center and residents of St. Louis County

·                     Emphasis will be placed on development of full-time jobs with benefits

·                     Coordination with Special School District, Vocational Rehabilitation and other employment providers will continue


Second year funding in the amount of $50,000 for FY’02 (July 1, 2001 – June 30, 2002) will be contingent on the achievement of FY’01 project outcomes and cost efficiency.


Mr. Barrett seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Administration Committee


Quality Enhancement/Service Excellence System Report


Dr. Ahr moved that the Board accept the “Report to the Productive Living Board on a Quality Enhancement/Service Excellence System”.


Ms. Freiman seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.


Budget Planning Fiscal Year 2002 and Beyond – General Allocation Formula for Base Level of Access


Dr. Ahr moved that the Board approve the General Allocation Formula for Base Level of Access. 


Mr. Ruecker seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.


Committee Action Item:


Budget Planning Fiscal Year 2002 and Beyond


Dr. Ahr reported on the Administration Committee’s approval of the development of an RFP to address deferred items 6 and 7 of a memo dated September 19, 2000 as follows:


Item 6:            Recommend a process to develop or develop a procedure, in consultation with the sheltered workshops, for estimating the long-term capital improvement needs of sheltered workshops in St. Louis County serving St. Louis County citizens with a developmental disability.





Item 7:            Recommend a process to develop or develop a due diligence procedure for use by the staff and Board of the PLB in making funding allocations and grants for long-term capital improvements to sheltered workshops in St. Louis County serving St. Louis County citizens with a developmental disability. 


Staff will also begin preliminary work on deferred item 8 – Recommend a process to develop or develop strategies for financing long-term capital improvements to St. Louis County sheltered workshops that will reasonably be expected to meet the PLB’s due diligence requirements.  The outcome of items 6 and 7 may determine the feasibility of specific funding options. 


Ad Hoc Committee on Quality Improvement


Committee Action Item:


Quality Enhancement/Services Excellence System Report


Mr. Ruecker reported on the Ad Hoc Committee on Quality Improvement’s review of the “Report to the Productive Living Board on a Quality Enhancement/Service Excellence System”.  The Ad Hoc Committee recommended that the Administration Committee accept the report.


Vocational Services Committee


Board Information Items:


Care Cab Transportation  - FY’01 Services PLB Projects #5001 and #5009


Ms. Freiman reported that the Vocational Services Committee reviewed Care Cab’s request for approval of a 14% increase in unit costs for the period of July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001 and that the Committee recommended approval to the Executive Committee.


St. Luke’s - PLB Project #3082/10


Mr. Freiman reported that the Vocational Services Committee reviewed St. Luke’s project request for funds for FY’01 in the amount of $34,042 for the period of January 1, 2001 through June 30, 2001.  The Vocational Services Committee recommended approval to the Executive Committee. 


Cooperative Efforts between St. Louis County Sheltered Workshops and Special School District


Ms. Freiman informed the Board of the cooperative efforts between St. Louis County Sheltered Workshops and Special School District.  Special education students receive work experience at St. Louis County Sheltered Workshops. 


Ms. Freiman presented an award to the Productive Living Board.  At a luncheon last November, the Productive Living Board received an award from the Greater St. Louis Chapter of the Missouri Rehabilitation Association.  This award was the Rehabilitation Program of Distinction for the

PLB funded Summer Work Experience Program.  JESS had nominated the PLB for this award. 





PLB Old Business Items


The Board received a status report of old business items.




Ms. Freiman moved that the Board adjourn and reconvene in Executive Session per 610.021(13) RSMo. – Personnel Records. 


Mr. Barrett seconded the motion; a roll call vote was taken with the following members voting aye:  Mr. Ruecker, Ms. Douglas, Mr. Tice, Ms. Donovan, Mr. Hammond, Dr. Ahr, Ms. Freiman, Mr. Berberian and Mr. Barrett.  The motion passed unanimously.


There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at approximately 4:10 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,





Juliette Douglas, Secretary



As recorded by Cindy Strick, Executive Administrative Assistant.





Meeting Minutes

Monday, January 22, 2001


Guest List


George Schumacher                        Lafayette Work Center

Richard A. Gill                                    Parent, PAG Board

Mark A. Keeley                                    St. Louis ARC

Mark Areng                                                MERS

Kathleen Buescher                                    Provident

Pamela Merkle                                    AADD

Stacey Ide-Simpson                                    Pathways to Independence

Marcy Soda                                                JESS

Rick Forkosh                                                UCP – St. Louis

Dana Nichols                                                SJMMC

Julie Roscoe                                                Judevine

Kim Kopff                                                St. Louis ARC

Kathy Farache                                    Assoc. on Aging w/DD

Carol Kamil                                                St. Louis County DHS

Kathy Meath                                                St. Louis ARC

Sharon Hale                                                OASIS

Wendy Buehler                                    Life Skills Foundation

Lydia Rasis                                                Rainbow Village

Madeleine Hawn                                    Gateways

Danielle Pirtle Mosley                        Willows Way, Inc.

Debbie Naucke                                    Delta Gamma Center

Maura Nagle                                                Willows Way

Mark Berra                                                Adaptability

Becky Blackwell                                    Judevine Center

Marge Lindhorst                                    CEC

Jane Walker                                                New Horizon Center